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Новый мир, 2006 № 06 [Лидия Корнеевна Чуковская] (fb2) читать постранично, страница - 167

Данный материал (книга) создан автором(-ами) «Линор Горалик» выполняющим(-и) функции иностранного агента. Возрастное ограничение 18+

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M. Vorontsov.

Heritage: “The Same Old Dispute” — a letter on Solzhenitsyn by the well-known literary person Lidiya Chukovskaya to the poet David Samoylov — published for the first time.

Comments: “The True Incident Event and a Trite Soviet Plot” — an article by Alla Latynina comparing the two author versions of Solzhenitsyn’s novel “The First Circle” in connection with the TV drama series based on it.
